Friday, March 19, 2010

Gov't Asks: What Time Did You Leave For Work?

This is insanity! Right now I don't have time to type out the post I intended to write for this...however, I was in a hurry to post the link. I heard about this on Coast to Coast. George Noorey spoke with Alex Jones on the subject and it got me in an uproar. But I decided to check it out for myself because I always listen to people like Mr. Jones with a 'grain of salt'...nothing personal, just sound advice my father gave me about "believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see".

I'll type up my notes from the night I was listening to this news as soon as I can. Until then, PLEASE, PLEASE, on the link and read the questions the US Gov't is sending out to the American people. I don't CARE when these questions where first asked (1880, 1930, 1970), I think most people agree that these are questions they wouldn't even tell their next door neighbors, friends across town, co-workers, or bosses...let alone strangers in Washington, D.C.

Seriously, if you guys at the capitol need these answers, don't you have the CIA, NSA, FBI, and ATF at your disposal??

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