Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Suggested Readings

Some good books to read that deal with the subject matter on my blog include the following: Brian Greene (The Elegant Universe, & The Fabric of the Cosmos); Stephen Hawking (The Universe in a Nutshell); Michio Kaku (Hyperspace); Linda Goodman (Sun Signs, & Love Signs); and any of Douglas Adams' work. As far as paranormal activity, I would recommend the show (on Sci-Fi channel) "Ghost Hunters". The crew from T.A.P.S. does a good job of investigating hauntings from an accurate point of view. They try to debunk anything they can, and aren't satisfied calling it "haunted" unless they find something concrete to work with. Please feel free to post if you have some interesting ideas, and please keep an open mind. My posts will be based on ideas, theories, and "what if's".

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