Monday, November 13, 2006

Future Pros & Cons of Stem Cell Research

This is one subject that the movies can teach us about. Ethics is not as much an issue as what it could lead to in the future. My favorite quote from Jurassic Park was made by Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblum), "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn't think about whether they should." If this research continues, I would like to see strict regulations to help avoid scary consequences seen in movies like "6th Day". The only reason I can't commit to a decision on this that it's so much easier to say "no" when I do not suffer from the (in some cases) terminal conditions that the research is supposed to alleviate.

Two Alien/Area 51 Mysteries Solved

1) Cow mutilations- Aliens kidnapping cows and returning them after experimentation? Close, but let's replace "alien" with "military". This was a procedure done to aid in reducing paratrooper fatalities. Take one cow, beat it severely. Add a team of medical personel. Test for speed and accuracy. Record results and apply to battlefield.
2) Large triangular UFO- Especially if seen near military airspace, this may be a large derigible/airship being tested. Think of a flying version of an aircraft carrier. Two good movies for reference: "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" & "Stealth".

Sept. 11th a Conspiracy? Yeah, Right...

Those of you that believe that the events on Sept. 11th were created by our own government are paranoid. Please help me to understand how you came to this conclusion. I'd very much like to know why the CIA (or other gov't agency) would stike the economy in such a way. Just don't tell me that it was to create a reason to go to Iraq. That would be as far fetched as the idea itself.

Wake Up & Smell the Maple Nut Crunch!

Ok, people...contrary to popular belief, the major news networks to not report the real truth. Yes, the reports are based on facts. However, what you hear are stories based on half-truths. Cencorship goes beyond cuss words and racial slurs. Yet, many people still base strong opinions on these highly edited broadcasts. For all of you guilty of this: it's time to re-evaluate your thinking process. All I'm requesting is that you quit your whining and screaming until you understand the issue more completely. I refuse to have my world manipulated by ignorance.